Our school system welcomed teachers back yesterday for a full week of work days to prep for our first student day on August 29th. We are fortunate to have many new teachers, both brand new, and new to the profession. I serve three middle schools so I have relationships with many teachers, media coordinators, and administrators. As an Instructional Tech Facilitator I have taken on the roles of a Mrs. Fix-it, friend, co-teacher, and counselor. With that in mind I felt the need to offer a short PSA for all of our teachers and those that love teachers. # notaboutyou Totally stealing this from my girl +Abbey Futrell ! She was our awesome #bcpsdtlc Keynote speaker and she reminded us that we are are here for. the. kids ! When the going gets tough, remember you're here for those students in your room, focus on them and you can't go wrong! Take care of yourself! Teaching is incredibly hard work! It's draining, all-consuming, ...