Back to school season is full of events, changes, new people, meetings, and for the Wolfhope family, a periodic fever syndrome for our younger son. The stress of handling 'all the things' is often tolerable for me, until it's not. I love my job, and the responsibility and the freedom to try and fail, but ultimately succeed. I like knowing how to do things, things that are really kind of over my head, but I think I may be addicted to learning new things. That quest for always knowing more, the love of figuring things out, and the genuine joy I get for solving problems and helping people has really carried me through one of the most eventful Septembers I can remember.
But... I'm no superwoman. I have failed, and failed, and failed over and over again. I have let stress and a workload carry-over at home, often distracted, or saying, "I'm almost done." I was overcome with tears, just days prior to my son's surgery date. He's fine. He's a champion. We're hopeful this is the fix. Hopeful that high fevers, vomiting, and inflamed tonsils won't happen every 3 weeks any longer.
And while the beginning of September was filled with emails reporting things that do not work, frustration with changes in procedures, and the general lack of understanding of the newness of so much this year... the end of September is different.
The 'fixing' is at a minimum, so now I can get to the work of instruction. I can talk and be with my teachers, helping them connect with the students and material. My favorite teacher being my husband. We are so lucky to be able to support one another in the same field. He's my go-to with a new tool, and he's always willing to try it out for me, and share it. I'm grateful for that, extremely.
I feel much more at ease, now that September is over... Surgery was successful, and we're in the flow of the year. I would have struggled more had I not had some kind, nurturing relationships to lean on.
For at least of couple of weeks every afternoon ended with a "DDD" Daily Donna Debrief. Donna and I would share and discuss issues that we faced throughout the day and troubleshoot together, and also support one another. These conversations were daily life-savers.
Brandy and I started working at at the gym in the mornings. We thought we'd hate it...but darn if it isn't one of the best parts of the day! The workouts really boost our moods and energy levels!
Lucas Wolfhope... that kid... He's not gotten as much attention as his younger brother, but he's incredible. He's in that fun transition from a little first grader, to a big second grader. He has moments of extreme maturity that are gone in a flash and replaced with a tiny little one that just needs attention. He amazes me daily with his knowledge and understanding. He's creating every day, and it's just so amazing to see what he produces. Checking in with Lucas each day has helped recharge my battery.
My husband, he's one of a kind, and when I struggle he's surprised. I really do think he sees me a Wonder Woman. His confidence in me, is more than my own. I wouldn't want to spend our crazy Septembers with anyone else.
But... I'm no superwoman. I have failed, and failed, and failed over and over again. I have let stress and a workload carry-over at home, often distracted, or saying, "I'm almost done." I was overcome with tears, just days prior to my son's surgery date. He's fine. He's a champion. We're hopeful this is the fix. Hopeful that high fevers, vomiting, and inflamed tonsils won't happen every 3 weeks any longer.
And while the beginning of September was filled with emails reporting things that do not work, frustration with changes in procedures, and the general lack of understanding of the newness of so much this year... the end of September is different.
The 'fixing' is at a minimum, so now I can get to the work of instruction. I can talk and be with my teachers, helping them connect with the students and material. My favorite teacher being my husband. We are so lucky to be able to support one another in the same field. He's my go-to with a new tool, and he's always willing to try it out for me, and share it. I'm grateful for that, extremely.
I feel much more at ease, now that September is over... Surgery was successful, and we're in the flow of the year. I would have struggled more had I not had some kind, nurturing relationships to lean on.
For at least of couple of weeks every afternoon ended with a "DDD" Daily Donna Debrief. Donna and I would share and discuss issues that we faced throughout the day and troubleshoot together, and also support one another. These conversations were daily life-savers.
Brandy and I started working at at the gym in the mornings. We thought we'd hate it...but darn if it isn't one of the best parts of the day! The workouts really boost our moods and energy levels!
Lucas Wolfhope... that kid... He's not gotten as much attention as his younger brother, but he's incredible. He's in that fun transition from a little first grader, to a big second grader. He has moments of extreme maturity that are gone in a flash and replaced with a tiny little one that just needs attention. He amazes me daily with his knowledge and understanding. He's creating every day, and it's just so amazing to see what he produces. Checking in with Lucas each day has helped recharge my battery.
My husband, he's one of a kind, and when I struggle he's surprised. I really do think he sees me a Wonder Woman. His confidence in me, is more than my own. I wouldn't want to spend our crazy Septembers with anyone else.
Those DDDs got me through, too. Not just the "techy" conversations... but connecting daily with a friend- yeah that's good stuff. Maybe we should consider a WWW (weekly wows with Wolfhope)? Love ya, friend!